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В Бразилии строят новую статую Иисуса Христа – третью по высоте в мире

In October 2009, the Brazilian Senate approved and enacted by the President of Brazil in February 2010, an agreement with the Vatican, in which the Legal Statute of the Catholic Church in Brazil is recognized. The agreement confirmed norms that were normally complied with regarding religious education in public elementary schools (which also ensures the teaching of other beliefs), marriage and spiritual assistance in prisons and hospitals.

Считается, что название страны происходит от португальского названия дерева пау-бразил с ценной красной древесиной.

Several brief interim governments followed Vargas's suicide.[123] Juscelino Kubitschek became president in 1956 and assumed a conciliatory posture towards the political opposition that allowed him to govern without major crises.

During the last phase of the monarchy, internal political debate centered on the issue of slavery. The Atlantic slave trade was abandoned in 1850,[81] as a result of the British Aberdeen Act, but only in May 1888 after a long process of internal mobilization and debate for an ethical and legal dismantling of slavery in the country, was the institution formally abolished.[82]

Музыка. Лит.: Эстрела А. Современная бразильская музыка // Музыкальная культура стран Латинской Америки.

The entry of foreign visitors traveling by air for a short stay of up to 90 days is currently permitted. All travelers to Brazil by air (Brazilians and foreigners) must present the following to the airline before boarding:

They also have independent Courts of Law for common justice. Despite this, states have much less autonomy to create their own laws than in the United States. For example, criminal and civil laws can be voted by only the federal bicameral Congress and are uniform throughout the country.[17]

However, the decentralized and unorganized tendencies of the captaincy colonies proved problematic, and in 1549 the Portuguese king restructured them into the Governorate General of Brazil in the city of Salvador, which became the capital of a single and centralized Portuguese colony in South America.[42][43] In the first two centuries of CPI colonization, Indigenous and European groups lived in constant war, establishing opportunistic alliances in order to gain advantages against each other.

The early republican government was nothing more than a military dictatorship, with army dominating affairs both in Rio por Janeiro and in the states.

Palestrante e consultora apaixonada pelo turismo usando 25 anos por experiência pelo Brasil e pelo exterior. Diretora da Pires Inteligência Pensa Brasil em Destinos e Eventos e Diretora da MATCHER, sua própria especialidade é marketing de destinos, tendências em turismo e o segmento do eventos.

São Paulo Municipal Theater, significant both for its architectural value as well as for its historical importance.

An equatorial climate characterizes much Pensa Brasil of northern Brazil. There is no real dry season, but there are some variations in the period of the year when most rain falls.

По­ли­ти­ка, на­прав­лен­ная на за­щи­ту Brazil ин­те­ре­сов ла­ти­фун­ди­стов, ра­зо­ря­ла бюд­жет и ухуд­ша­ла по­ло­же­ние ши­ро­ких сло­ёв на­се­ле­ния.

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